Streamline Your OSHA Recordkeeping Effortlessly

Discover OSHA Log, a groundbreaking tool that redefines OSHA recordkeeping. Effortlessly track injuries and compliance with our user-friendly platform. Quickly enter data, generate reports, and view metrics, enhancing workforce safety and simplifying compliance in just a few clicks.

Quick Data Entry

When someone gets hurt, fill out one simple web form that takes just minutes to complete.

Instant OSHA Logs

Instantly Generate All OSHA Forms with no dual entry required.

Work Comp First Report of Injury

Create any State’s Workers’ comp first report of injury in half the time.

Instant Metrics

Instant Metrics reveal injury trends and measure safety outcomes.

Electric Submission to OSHA

Comply with new osha rules requiring employers to submit injury data directly to OSHA.

Create Better Outcomes

Instant Injury Notifications to your insurance advisor for proactive support.

Unlock Free, Comprehensive OSHA Compliance - Available to All

Experience OSHA compliance made easy with OSHA Log – completely free for everyone, client or not. Safety management is your right, and we make it effortless!

Request Free Access to OSHAlogs.com

Would you like free access to OSHAlogs.com? How about a demo of the software? Complete the form below and one of our insurance advisors will reach out to you in short order!

I can add an injury in less than 4 minutes on my phone. Doesn’t get any easier than that!

Sally R

Home Health Care, Chicago, IL

Not one can match the ease of use. Keep it up guys!

Aubry T.

Manufacturing, Grand Rapids, MI

It’s great that I can just input the information once and be able to run all OSHA reports and my State’s First Report of Injury. No dual entry. I love it!

Ron S.

Plumbing Contractor, Fort Wayne, IN